Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION 7 integration.

Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION v7.01.04 Integration.

So here is goes, this is the integration of Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION V7.
FLASHCHAT is property of http://tufat.com, this integration is done in good faith, and so I have no responsibility of any kind and I not claiming is my script.. I've made this fix for the community of PHP-FUSION.

Flashchat is a very nice Chat interface made with flash.. I really like it a lot one of the most full featured FLASH CHAT there is although in beta stage as it is right now is really complete and stable..

What was missing is the PHP-FUSION v 7 connection with the usernames stored in the Mysql Database, there is a new version of PHP-FUSION v7.01.05 and it should also work with this integration ..
So I decided to fix the integration and finally was able to finish it, the team of PHP-FUSION changed the way to encrypt the user password..
The following are the features of the integration.

  • Connect the usernames from database.
  • Super Admin becomes Admin in Flashchat 6.0.8
  • Admin user Without any privileges in PHP-FUSION becomes Moderator in Flashchat 6.0.8
  • Auto login when user is logged in PHP-FUSION V7 site.
  • User login also works using Flashchat 6.0.8 flash login form..

You can download the integration and drop it in the right place in your Flaschat 6.0.8 or you can copy paste the below code..

If you want to download please click Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION v7.01.04 .

Manual creation of the Integration for FLASHCHAT 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSIONv7.

Create a PHP document in the folder “./chat/inc/cmses/” the PHP document must be called “fusion7CMS.php”.
Copy paste this code..
* Integration fix by Neumann Valle aka utan, september 26, 2011
* original code and post at http://vcomputadoras.com/flashchat-6-0-8-and-php-fusion-7/
* where php-fusion was still using md5() hashes.
* */
$fusion_root_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../../../’) . ‘/’;
require_once($fusion_root_path . ‘config.php’);
class FusionCMS {

var $userid;
var $loginStmt;
var $getUserStmt;
var $getUsersStmt;

function FusionCMS() {

$this->loginStmt = new Statement(‘SELECT user_id AS id, user_name AS login, user_password, user_level FROM ‘.DB_PREFIX.’users WHERE user_name=? AND user_password=? LIMIT 1’);
$this->getUserStmt = new Statement(‘SELECT user_id AS id, user_name AS login, user_level FROM ‘.DB_PREFIX.’users WHERE user_id=? LIMIT 1’);
$this->getUsersStmt = new Statement(‘SELECT user_id AS id, user_name as login FROM ‘.DB_PREFIX.’users’);

$this->userid = NULL;

if (isset($_COOKIE[‘fusion_user’])) {
$cookie_vars = explode(‘.’, $_COOKIE[‘fusion_user’]);
$cookie_1 = is_numeric($cookie_vars[‘0’]) ? $cookie_vars[‘0’] : NULL;
$cookie_2 = (preg_match(‘/^[0-9a-z]{32}$/’, $cookie_vars[‘1’]) ? $cookie_vars[‘1’] : ”);

$this->userid = $cookie_1;


function isLoggedIn() {
return $this->userid;

function getRoles($group) {
$rv = ROLE_USER;

if ($group == 101)
$rv = ROLE_USER;

if ($GLOBALS[‘fc_config’][‘liveSupportMode’] && $group == 101)

if ($group == 102)

if ($group == 103)

return $rv;


function getUserProfile($userid) {

if ($userid == SPY_USERID) $rv = NULL;

elseif ($user = $this->getUser($userid)) {

$rv = ($id = $this->isLoggedIn() && ($id == $userid)) ? ‘../edit_profile.php’ : ‘../profile.php?lookup=’ . $userid;

return $rv;

function getUser($userid) {

// if ($userid == SPY_USERID) return NULL;

$rv = NULL;

if(($rs = $this->getUserStmt->process($userid)) && ($rec = $rs->next())) {
$rec[‘roles’] = $this->getRoles($rec[‘user_level’]);
$rv = $rec;
return $rv;

function login($login, $password) {

if (($rs = $this->loginStmt->process($login, md5(md5($password)))) && ($rec = $rs->next())) {

if ($rec[‘user_ban’]) return NULL; /* user is banned from the site */

$cookie_value = $rec[‘id’] . ‘.’ . md5(md5($password));
setcookie(‘fusion_user’, $cookie_value, time() + 3600*3, ‘/’, ”, ‘0’);

return $rec[‘id’];



function userInRole($userid, $role) {
if($user = $this->getUser($userid)) {
return ($user[‘roles’] == $role);
return false;

function logout() {


function getUsers() {

$rv = $this->getUsersStmt->process();
return $rv;


function getGender($userid) {
// ‘M’ for Male, ‘F’ for Female, NULL for undefined
return NULL;
$GLOBALS[‘fc_config’][‘db’] = array(
‘host’ => $db_host,
‘user’ => $db_user,
‘pass’ => $db_pass,
‘base’ => $db_name,
‘pref’ => DB_PREFIX . ‘fc_’

$GLOBALS[‘fc_config’][‘cms’] = new FusionCMS();

foreach($GLOBALS[‘fc_config’][‘languages’] as $k => $v) {
$GLOBALS[‘fc_config’][‘languages’][$k][‘dialog’][‘login’][‘moderator’] = ”;


Now done the above edit a PHP document in the folder “/chat/install_files/” the PHP document is called “consts.php” .
copy paste the following code:
** Constants used for installation file.

define(‘INC_DIR’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/../inc/’);//for config.php

define(‘NAVY_FILE_SIZE’, 1992);//necessary for check uploaded in binary mode

define(‘CHAT_ROOMS’, ‘The Lounge, Hollywood, Tech Talk, Current Events’);//default rooms

define(‘CONFIG_FILE’, INC_DIR . ‘config.php’);

define(‘INST_DIR’, ‘./install_files/’);

$cmss = array(
//’aedatingCMS’ => ‘aeDating 2.0/3.0 (FlashChat is built in to aeDating 3.x)’,
//’aedatingCMS2’=> ‘aeDating 2.0/3.0 (which only permits access to Gold members)’,
//’aedating4CMS’=> ‘aeDating 4.0’,
‘azdgCMS’ => ‘AZDG Dating Lite 2.1.2’,
‘cpgNukeCMS’ => ‘CPGNuke’,
‘cpgNukeDragonfly921CMS’ => ‘CPGNuke Dragonfly 9.2.1’,
‘datingProCMS’=> ‘Dating Pro’,
‘e107CMS’ => ‘e107 0.617’,
‘eMeetingCMS’ => ‘eMeeting’,
‘efriendsCMS497’ => ‘Alstrasoft E-friends 4.9.7’,
‘fusionCMS’ => ‘PHP Fusion 4.0.0’,
‘fusionCMS2’ => ‘PHP Fusion 5.0.1’,
‘fusion6CMS’ => ‘PHP Fusion 6’,
‘fusion7CMS’ => ‘PHP Fusion 7’,
‘geeklogCMS’ => ‘GeekLog 1.3.9’,
‘joomlaCMS’ => ‘Joomla 1.1’,
‘ipbCMS’ => ‘Invision Power Board (IPB) 2.0.0’,
‘ipbCMS2’ => ‘Invision Power Board (IPB) 2.0.3’,
‘ipbCMS2’ => ‘Invision Power Board (IPB) 2.1.0’,
‘ipb30CMS’ => ‘Invision Power Board (IPB) 3.0.3’,
‘lunabyteCMS’ => ‘LunaByte / Enigma 1.3’,
‘mamboCMS’ => ‘Mambo 4.5.0’,
‘mamboCMS2’ => ‘Mambo 4.5.2’,
‘mambo465CMS’ => ‘Mambo 4.6.5’,

‘mdproCMS’ => ‘MD-Pro 1.0.7’,
‘mdpro1081CMS’ => ‘MD-Pro 1.0.81’,
‘moodleCMS’ => ‘Moodle’,
‘moodle16CMS’ => ‘Moodle 1.6’,
‘moodle17CMS’ => ‘Moodle 1.7’,
‘moodle18CMS’ => ‘Moodle 1.8’,
‘moodle19CMS’ => ‘Moodle 1.9’,
‘osdateCMS’ => ‘osDate Dating System’,
‘phpBB2CMS’ => ‘phpBB 2.0.10 and above’,
‘phpBB3CMS’ => ‘phpBB 3.0.B2 and above’,
‘phpBB307CMS’ => ‘phpBB 3.0.2 and above’,
‘phpBB305CMS’ => ‘phpBB 3.0.5 and above’,
//’phpNukeModCMS’ => ‘PHP-Nuke 7.3(module version)’,
‘phpNukeCMS73’ => ‘PHP-Nuke 7.3’,
‘phpNukeCMS76’ => ‘PHP-Nuke 7.6’,
‘phpNukeCMS78’ => ‘PHP-Nuke 7.8′,
//’postNukeModCMS’ => ‘PostNuke 0.726-3(module version)’,
‘postNukeCMS’ => ‘PostNuke 0.726-3’,
‘postNukeCMS0762’ => ‘PostNuke 0.762’,
‘phorumCMS518’ => ‘Phorum 5.1.8’,
‘phorumCMS527’ => ‘Phorum 5.2.7’,
‘smfCMS’ => ‘Simple Machines 1.0’,
‘smfCMS2’ => ‘Simple Machines 1.1’,
‘smfCMS20’ => ‘Simple Machines 2.0’,
‘ubbCMS’ => ‘UBB.Threads 6.5’,
‘ubb70CMS’ => ‘UBB.Threads 7.0’,
‘ubb71CMS’ => ‘UBB.Threads 7.1’,
‘ubb74CMS’ => ‘UBB.Threads 7.4’,
‘vbulletin30CMS’=> ‘vBulletin 3.0’,
‘vbulletin35CMS’=> ‘vBulletin 3.5’,
‘vbulletin36CMS’=> ‘vBulletin 3.6’,
‘vbulletin37CMS’=> ‘vBulletin 3.7’,
‘vbulletin38CMS’=> ‘vBulletin 3.8’,
‘vbulletin40CMS’=> ‘vBulletin 4.0’,
‘webDateCMS’ => ‘Web Date’,
‘wotCMS2’ => ‘WoltLab Burning Board 2.3.4’,
‘wowCMS’ => ‘WowBB 1.6.1’,
‘wowCMS2’ => ‘WowBB 1.6.2’,
‘wowCMS165’ => ‘WowBB 1.6.5’,
‘wowCMS170’ => ‘WowBB 1.7’,
‘xmbCMS’ => ‘XMB 1.9.1’,
‘xoopsCMS’ => ‘Xoops 2.0.7’,
‘xoops2016CMS’ => ‘Xoops 2.0.16’,
‘phpkitCMS’ => ‘phpkit 1.6.1’,
‘MyBBCMS’ => ‘MyBB 1.0’,
‘easysiteCMS’ => ‘EasySite 3.2.5’,
‘SBDatingCMS’ => ‘Softbiz Dating’,
‘phpFox108’ => ‘phpFox 1.0.8’,
‘phpFox11’ => ‘phpFox 1.1’,
‘phpFox16CMS’ => ‘phpFox 1.6’,
‘inspirations31CMS’ => ‘Inspirations 3.1’,
‘drupalCMS’ => ‘Drupal’,
‘drupal613CMS’ => ‘Drupal 6.1.3’,
‘punbbCMS’ => ‘punBB 1.2.10’,
‘wordpress22CMS’ => ‘WordPress 2.1.0 – 2.7’,


That’s all, install the chat and everything should work..
please comment about it.. thanks.

10 thoughts on “Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION 7 integration.

  1. Well,

    I am kind of busy can you give the server log, whats the error is coming out..

    please post here if you can.

  2. Well i do not have any logs from it but i always get this Messages
    Incorrect user name or password. Please try again.
    But i am loging in with the same as on my PHP-Fusion 7.02.03.

  3. hi,

    yes your version is not compatible with the script anymore, the way they authenticate users has changed, I have only checked the code very fast and there is some changes no more md5 hashes are used which older versions were using, and as of now I have no much time left to download and test the new versions…


    ps. I like better older version new versions had too many bugs.

  4. Is there a way to login to the chat and bypass using the password? Why do I need to use the password if I am already logged into PHP-Fusion?

  5. Hi,

    If you version is the same as the version the tutorial is wrote for it should auto login…

    Please make sure you have the correct version and that followed the tutorial correctly.


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